This is the booking page for private 1:1 Yoga Therapy sessions. If you are looking to join a group class, click the link below.


Book using Venmo, Cash app, PayPal, or debit/credit by clicking on the appropriate button below or clicking “add to cart” on the package you want (for debit/credit). If you use Venmo or Cash app, include a note with your email address and/or phone number.

If you have FSA/HSA or flex account, this can sometimes be used for Yoga Therapy. If you have a flex card, you can enter the info into the debit section below. Otherwise, contact your insurance company to see what is needed, then contact us.

There is a discounted rate for using Venmo & Cash App.

Cost is $339 for 4 weeks, weekly sessions

Cost is $985 for 12 weeks, weekly session

Cost is $559 for 4 weeks, 2x per week

Use code 6765 for Venmo.

Please, send exact amount.


Pay using Debit/Credit or PayPal